In accordance with Article III, Section 3.06 of the Bylaws for the McKinney Greens Homeowners’ Association, Inc. you are hereby given notice that a virtual Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. The virtual meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. for the following purpose:
To join the Zoom meeting:
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86464005373?pwd=dFp1ajJCUGExc2Rzcm11WDRKc3I4QT09
Meeting ID: 864 6400 5373
Password: 434917
Dial In: 346 248 7799
Due to this being a virtual meeting, all voting will be done by absentee ballot in advance of the meeting. An absentee ballot is enclosed for you to cast your vote. Also included are copies of the Candidacy Forms for your review. Floor nominations will not be taken at the meeting. Please vote for three candidates as there are only three positions open on the Board. The newly elected Board members will be announced at the annual meeting.
The Bylaws state in order to hold a meeting and conduct business of the Association, there must a quorum present. The quorum needed to conduct business for McKinney Greens HOA is 20% of the homeowners. Per an amendment to the Bylaws recorded June 3, 2015, if quorum of 20% of the homeowners is not met, the quorum amount may be reduced to 10% in order to elect the Board of Directors, and no other official business can be conducted.
Please take a moment to sign and return the enclosed absentee ballot, no later than noon Monday, April 18, 2022. Ballots can be returned by email, fax, or mail. Your absentee ballot will help fulfill meeting quorum requirements.
Click here to download and read the McKinney Greens - 2022 Annual Meeting Notice Packet v3 Final
Click here to download and complete the paper McKinney Greens - 2022 Annual Meeting Absentee Ballot